Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Dear Alvin and Vivian

"Count to ten, take it in,
This is life before you know who you're gonna be"
Taylor Swift, Fifteen

When I told a friend that I was starting a blog, he asked me "Is it safe to read?"I was like wtfhewvdxhvehxve of course it's safe to read, why wouldn't it be? Then I was lead to read the whole scandal involving Malaysians in Singapore who post pictures of themselves engaged in various sexual activities on their blog called Sumptuous Erotica. Sounds so sexual wtf. I was reading through the online articles from the Star and got more and more puzzled. This is how they look like:
Photo Credits: Youtube, The Star(capture)

And there were a million comments because Malaysians like our opinions to be heard wtf most of them ranged from wtf why are you shamming your family and village and goat to why the hell is Vivian so ugly? Will not comment on the first but the second is so wtfbbq why do people always comment on how the girl looks when there is some scandal? It is like omg she did something wrong now I can comment on how she looks without feeling bad hahahaha and then feel self righteous because she deserves to be stoned wtf. In all honesty, I don't think she looks bad.

But then, being the Malaysian I am I also want my opinion to be heard hahahahahahah wtf. So assuming that The Star reported what she actually said, I am curious as to... 

Dear Vivian, the Internet is not meant for private affairs. Also, you said that you intended for the world to see how much you love each other. I think that is called marriage wtf

HUH? When is it OK for Westerners to do it? If it were say... 
then yes I am sure half of the world's population or more would love for him to have a blog like yours hahahaha but I find it funny how Malaysians tend to say "Why is it ok for Westeners to do xyz..." 

Tell me how that goes

Also... what I would really really really like to know is
How do you concentrate on having sex while thinking of how and what to post on your blog? Isn't hard enough to concentrate without thinking of say... what to eat for dinner/are you too loud/why is it so ticklish/should we get a new bed/what was the lyrics to that song/should I have showered first... wtf. 

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